

It's a heavy guitar tone, it's ridiculously bassy and brutal enough, but it's a bit too restrained in how aggressive it sounds. It genuinely sounds like you're listening to somebody playing this album around the corner. It just doesn't quite crackle, scream or hit you hard enough. It's just not sufficiently punchy. It's also thick, creating a sort of layer that makes basically every slam sound alike, even when they're clearly different. The tone is still efficient enough to render the bass guitar entirely redundant, which is actually good because you can't fucking hear it anyway. Warna Slam yang menjadi titik pusat dari sebuah masterpiece Masticate the Abominations adalah inti dari genre ini, namun ketika kalian terlalu ekstrem dalam mempertahankan konsep tersebut, hal itu justru terlihat bodoh bagi saya. Tentu saja, Slam adalah mayoritas dari sebuah materi yang ditawarkan Masticate the Abominationsi, tanpa menawarkan komposisi yang bisa dibilang waow, tapi Masticate the Abominations cukup meracik konsep warna tersendiri tanpa berlebihan melabeli kegilaannya, dan bukan cuman sekedar pencitraan dan Omdo, Masticate the Abominations merobek kenyataan tentang mimpi mimpi bodoh kebanyakan band yang terdengar membosankan. Vocals are really interesting, they have like a very muffling overtone while staying very dark and gurgling, which in turn doesn't even really sound much like a growl per se, but still is a guttural and brutal vocalization at that. If I could describe their singer, it would be to say that it sounds like this guy is sucking on the most brutal and blackest Slurpee in the world !